City Council Work Session – Redevelopment Tool Box

Fayetteville City Council Work Session
October 7, 2013

What Happened: Scott Shuford (City of Fayetteville Development Services Director) gave a presentation on incentive ideas to promote redevelopment. According to a city memo, the “Redevelopment Toolbox” is a collection of potential zoning ordinances and text amendments to spur redevelopment within the city. The information below is from his presentation.  Follow this link to few the document in its entirety

Final vote on the toolbox will take place at the next City Council meeting on October 28, 2013.


Community Redevelopment and Reinvestment Program (CRIP)

  • Develops a coordinated response to redevelopment and reinvestment needs
  • Leverages private investment using City funding, capital improvement programming, federal and state grants
  • Promotes development of and investment in priority areas and projects

Cottage Developments

  • Small site infill development tool
  • Fits our changing demographics (older; smaller families)

Key Ordinance Features of cottage development

  • Minimum and maximum number of units
  • No density limits
  • Minimum lot size
  • Maximum unit size
  • Architectural, material standards for units
  • Public and private open space required

Adaptive Reuse

  • Adaptive reuse means the conversion of an existing building built from one use to another use, typically to address some aspect of physical or functional obsolescence
  • reuse can happen in any zoning district but this ordinance is focused on institutional building in residential districts using the overlay district approach

Key Ordinance Features of Adaptive Reuse

  • Conditions may be established regarding lighting, landscaping, hours of operation, and other operational and site design necessary to maintain compatibility
  • Preservation of architectural character required
  • No density limitations
  • In single-family districts, multifamily uses are allowed; in multifamily district, professional office uses are allowed

Regional Activity Centers

  • Recognizes and supports areas containing key economic development drivers (Cross Creek Mall area, VA Clinic area, CFV north clinic area, etc.)
  • Preserves the use character of these areas
  • Implemented through an overlay district after analysis

Key Ordinance Features of Regional Activity Centers

  • Each center is uniquely-defined based upon its specific economic contribution to the community
  • Analysis required to identify the defining land uses that make up the district, to identify land uses which are compatible and which are incompatible with the defining land uses, and to identify development characteristics, including scale of development and site design features, that complement the defining land uses or which threaten them

Live-Work Units

  • A building or space within a building that is used jointly for office/business uses allowed in the applicable zoning district and for residential use where the residential use of the space is secondary or accessory to the primary use as a place of work
  • Promotes residential uses in business locations (e.g. Haymount commercial area)

Key Ordinance Features of Live-Work Units

  • Modifies existing language
  • Located in nonresidential districts
  • One parking space per live-work unit plus whatever is required for the commercial, office or industrial space
  • For density, a live-work unit shall be regarded as the equivalent of 0.5 residential unit

Neighborhood Conservation Districts

  • Neighborhood Conservation Overlay districts are already provided for in the UDO
  • We are evaluating how the NCO could be modified to allow greater protection of neighborhoods vulnerable to blighting influences from nearby commercial uses

Urban Agriculture

  • Broadens range of uses allowed in underutilized commercial and industrial zoning districts
  • Supports a potential niche market for Fayetteville

Key Ordinance Features of Urban Agriculture

  • Urban agriculture means land uses involved in the indoor or outdoor cultivation (including aquaculture/hydroponics) of fruits, vegetables, fish and shellfish
  • Excluded from urban agriculture is the cultivation of livestock, including, but not limited to, poultry, rabbits, beef and swine
  • Establishes limits on noise and dust producing activities and pesticide application near residential areas

Small Subdivision Access Standards

  • Allows a new subdivision to be created on larger, deeper lots using driveways as access
  • Limited to 4 or fewer lots – (small infill sites)

Key Ordinance Features of Small Subdivision Access Standards

  • Limited to 4 or fewer lots
  • 20 foot easement with 16 feet of pavement
  • 150-foot maximum length of driveway without a Fire Marshal approved turnaround

Residential Density in Commercial Zones

  • Need to occupy excess commercial space
  • Increased residential density allows use of commercial property for multifamily residential properties in areas where such uses are more compatible
  • Matches density with proximity to transit services and to “destinations”
  • Proposed densities are to be determined

Key Ordinance Features of Residential Density in Commercial Districts

  • Increases density in commercial zoning districts
  • Density is matched to proximity to transportation and to destinations
  • “Headroom” is maintained for Downtown and activity centers


Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".