N.C. Department of Transportation – Cedar Creek Road (NC 53)

The North Carolina Department of Transportation held a public meeting regarding proposed safety improvements on Cedar Creek Road (N.C. 53) from west of I-95 to east of I-95, Fayetteville, Cumberland County Proposed construction:  to construct median with directional crossovers/bulb out (for U-turns), mid-block pedestrian crosswalks and refuge islands and flashing beacons and sidewalk.  The purposeContinue reading “N.C. Department of Transportation – Cedar Creek Road (NC 53)”

Fayetteville Regional Association of REALTORS® visit NC Delegation

Thank You  FRAR attendees who took time out of their busy schedules! Rosemary Buerger Anne Locklear Gene Cooper Ralph Reagan Jonathon Elliott Steve Cohen Marva Lucas-Moore Queen Wheeler David Evans Chet Oehme Wendy Harris Jimmy Townsend Jay Dowdy Grisel McGurty Thank you to the following NC Delegation for meeting with us! Rep. Marvin Lucas Rep.Continue reading “Fayetteville Regional Association of REALTORS® visit NC Delegation”

National Association of REALTORS® – EPA Sends Water Rule to OMB

By Russell W. Riggs, Austin Perez, Jamie Gregory The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Monday, April 6 sent to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) its controversial regulation to redefine the extent of its authority over U.S. water bodies for final review and approval. This proposed regulation would place more water bodiesContinue reading “National Association of REALTORS® – EPA Sends Water Rule to OMB”

Press Release from NCAR Regarding Insurance Reform Bills!

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Contact: Nicole Arnold, narnold@ncrealtors.org N.C. Realtors® applaud legislators for insurance reform bills March 10, 2015 Raleigh – Flanked by legislators and Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin, North Carolina Association of Realtors® President Tony Smith asked General Assembly members to support homeowners insurance reform bills filed today in the House and Senate.Continue reading “Press Release from NCAR Regarding Insurance Reform Bills!”

Update: Interbasin Water Transfer

Hot Button Topic – Proposed Cape Fear River water removal Background:  The North Carolina Division of Water Resources held public hearings last month.  The purpose of these hearings was to receive input regarding an interbasin water transfer.    The towns that could be receiving additional water are Apex, Cary, Morrisville and parts of the Research TriangleContinue reading “Update: Interbasin Water Transfer”