City of Fayetteville Accepting Applications to Various Boards & Commissions

Boards and Commissions applications open Post Date:09/13/2021 3:54 PM (Fayetteville, N.C.) – The City of Fayetteville has vacancies for the following Boards and Commissions. Fayetteville residents can apply.: Board of Advisors for the Woodpeckers Capital Reserve Account – 4 Vacancies Fayetteville-Cumberland Economic Development Board – 2 Vacancies Joint City and County Appearance Commission – 1Continue reading “City of Fayetteville Accepting Applications to Various Boards & Commissions”

Sanford Jetport Receiving Federal/State Funding for Improvements

The following news article is from the Sanford Herald in Sanford, North Carolina. $4 million-plus OK’d for work at Jetport By NANCY MCCLEARY NMCCLEARY@SANFORDHERALD.COM The Raleigh Executive Jetport in Sanford is one of 13 airports in North Carolina approved for federal and state funding for improvements, according to the N.C. Board of Transportation. The JetportContinue reading “Sanford Jetport Receiving Federal/State Funding for Improvements”

Fayetteville Annexes New Subdivision in Arran Lakes West

The Fayetteville City Council annexed the Commons at Arran lakes West Subdivision unanamously August 23. The new subdivision is located west of Bingham Drive and at the end of Westfork Drive. Adjacent neighborhoods are Arran Lakes West to the north and Duck’s Landing to the southwest. The southern part of the proposed subdivision is notContinue reading “Fayetteville Annexes New Subdivision in Arran Lakes West”

Fayetteville City Council Public Hearings on North Side Annexations

The following public hearings were voted on by the Fayetteville City Council as they pertain to the real estate industry. Annexation request for the proposed Coventry Woods subdivision. The project is located on the south side of McCloskey road and consist of 40.69 acres and being the property of William Clark. The new subdivision willContinue reading “Fayetteville City Council Public Hearings on North Side Annexations”

Fayetteville City Council Adopts “Housing Affordability Study”

from the City of Fayetteville Affordable housing has been and continues to be a national concern for many growing communities. The City has commissioned an affordable housing study to guide the City of Fayetteville’s public investment and provide recommendations to address the housing needs within the community. Key points and solutions: Improve knowledge, awareness, andContinue reading “Fayetteville City Council Adopts “Housing Affordability Study””