The N.C. Secretary of Commerce Anthony Copeland attended a press release on Tuesday to announce a new Japanese company Dowa Thermotech’s contract to invest 22.5 million into Lee County. The company plans to build an automotive and industrial machinery factory. The company manufactures industrial furnaces and commercial heat treatment of metal parts in engines and transmissions. Details:Continue reading “Lee County Lands Overseas Company Dowa Thermotech”
Category Archives: Local
City of Fayetteville Downtown Design Plan – Public Input Needed
OPEN HOUSE FOR FAYETTEVILLE’S DOWNTOWN DESIGN PLAN The City of Fayetteville invites you to attend an OPEN HOUSE event to learn about the new Downtown Urban Design Plan. This plan will develop projects and goals for the City to complete over the next 3-5 years, with a focus on priorities, policies, and public investment. HelpContinue reading “City of Fayetteville Downtown Design Plan – Public Input Needed”
Transportation Plan – Public Input Meeting
The Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) is seeking public input on a regional bicycle and pedestrian plan. FAMPO was awarded a $225,000 grant from NCDOT. Those wishing to provide input can go to the Historic Courthouse, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC. You can also take an online survey @
Spring Lake – Sewer System Ready
Cumberland County will soon notify residents and property owners of the Overhills neighborhood when the new sewer system is complete. Rates and paperwork will be mailed to the residents. Background: (from Cumberland County Memo) FAYETTEVILLE – Construction of a $4.4 million sewer extension project for Overhills Park Water and Sewer District is expected to startContinue reading “Spring Lake – Sewer System Ready”
City of Fayetteville – Taking Surveys on Downtown Parking
MEDIA RELEASE Kevin V. Arata, Corporate Communications Director Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Nathan Walls, Public Information Specialist Date: 6/20/2018 Phone: (910) 433-1710 (desk), (910) 728-5943 (cell) Residents Encouraged to Comment on Downtown Parking (Fayetteville, N.C.) — The City of Fayetteville has begun collecting data and seeking public input for the downtown parking study. TheContinue reading “City of Fayetteville – Taking Surveys on Downtown Parking”
City of Fayetteville – Taking Applications for Boards & Commissions
The City of Fayetteville is currently taking applications for various boards and commissions. These are volunteer positions. Applicants can follow the link below to fill out the application or contact the Longleaf Pine Associations government affairs department. Seats Available: Planning Commission Animal Control the Public Works Commission Fayetteville Cumberland Human Relations Commission Application Deadline: JulyContinue reading “City of Fayetteville – Taking Applications for Boards & Commissions”