What endorsements have you received for your current candidacy? none If offered, would you accept contributions from political action committees affiliated with the real estate industry? (RPAC, buildPAC etc.) Yes, I am pro business. Our economy of prosperous business will follow safe communities and vibrant neighborhoods. We must address the crime rate because it hasContinue reading “Candidate Curtis Worthy – District 7”
Category Archives: 2013 Muncipal Elections Questionnaires
Candidate Bill Crisp – District 6
What endorsements have you received for your current candidacy? None, and I have not sought endorsement from groups or organizations. I am very careful that I represent the citizenry and not simply district 6. I am dedicated to what is best for the entire city. If offered, would you accept contributions from political action committeesContinue reading “Candidate Bill Crisp – District 6”