1. Candidates Full Name: Michael Pinkston
2. Daytime Phone Number: 9104941569
3. E-Mail: Mpinkston52@aol.com
4. Current Occupation Position: self employed
5. Previously Elected/Appointed Position(s):
6. Community Involvement:
Operation cease Fire 5 years Operation in as Much 6 years Center for the Blind 4 years Find a friend 4 years
7. Community Endorsements:
former Mayor Tony Chavonne former City Councilman Bobby Hurst former City Councilman Ted Moen
8. Do You Have an Active Campaign Account? Yes
9. Do You Accept PAC Checks? Yes
10. What’s your plan to address the need for workforce and affordable housing?
we need to establish state, local and federal housing acts, which will supplement payment for low income families.
11. List three ideas that you would do if elected to attract high paying jobs and industries?
listen carefully to any and all proposals presented to Council. Right now I am looking for any large company that would employ upward of 500 individuals. We are going to have to learn to think outside the box if we are to attract large companies.
12. What do you see as the biggest challenge in your district?
We need more people to get involved in community projects. Demand better street lights, more sidewalk, pools, and recreation parks.
13. Regarding tourism, what can be done to promote a vibrant city to outside guest and even within the community?
We need a world class mall, a new civic center, and better golf courses.
14. How do you propose to improve communications between your office and the community of REALTORS® who are becoming more engaged on issues in your district?
The realtors association can play a vital role in sharpening the landscape of Fayetteville.