What NEW legislation will you be working on once in office?
Legislation that I primarily work on is focused in three categories:
- Tax policy that makes state taxes lower and fairer for all citizens.
- Energy policy that leads to lowest cost/least polluting sources of energy.
- Legislation that support active duty, National Guard, reserve soldiers, their families and veterans.a solution?
What is the number 1 challenge facing our state? Is there a solution?
Challenge. Continuing the economic recovery that our state is currently enjoying with unemployment at the lowest rate since 2001.
Solution. We need to continue to pass sound state budgets that fund core state responsibilities while keeping taxes low.
There is a statewide issue with unmaintained roads in county neighborhoods recently referred to as “orphaned roads.” A bill was introduced in the General Assembly two years ago but has not moved forward. What are your thoughts for solving this problem?
I voted for this bill in the House where the bill received broad, bi-partisan support, and will vote for it again when the bill is reintroduced.
With the possible redevelopment of the Murchison Road corridor, would you vote to annex the doughnut hole in Shaw Heights if the Fayetteville City Council sent the delegation a resolution to support the annexation?
No. Until the city goes through the annexation process as established in current law and makes the attempt to get the property owners of Shaw Heights to agree to voluntary annexation, I will not support involuntary annexation. The property owners and residents of Shaw Heights have the right to have a say in whether or not they are annexed into the city.
What are your thoughts on additional tax on services in 2019
Generally I am in favor of expanding the sales tax base and reducing personal income and corporate income tax rates. This provides a more stable tax base to support the state budget and generates more economic activity in the state.