Fayetteville Regional Association of REALTORS members in attendance:
Zan Monroe, Dave Evans, Jay Dowdy, Chet Oehme, Laurie Linder, Rosemary Buerger, Cheryl Spears, Pat Spears, Jimmy Townsend, Wendy Harris, Gene Cooper, Marva Moore, Latonia Parks, Richard Bonfanti, Lynn Dahnke, Jane Cannon, Debbie McFayden, Angie Hedgepeth
North Carolina REALTORS® convenyed in Raleigh last week for their annual legislative day meetings and visits with the state delegation. Fayetteville Association REALTORS® met with Representatives John Szoka, Marvin Lucas, Elmer Floyd and Billy Richardson and Senator Wesley Meredith.
The following talking points were discussed during meetings with the Cumberland County delegation and all other North Carolina delegates.
Private Road Maintenance – Senate Bill 778
- Seeks to alleviate some of the problems presented by “orphan roads”, especially when they fall outside of municipal boundaries
- Performance bonds for future developments to ensure that the necessary road work is completed up to state standards and ultimately accepted by NC Department of Transportation in the road system
- Requires that NCDOT work with each county to develop a database which includes the classification (public/private) for each road in the county
Private Process Servers
- Allows private process servers to serve summary ejectment notices
- Private process can easily correct this government inefficiency, creating private sector jobs around the state
- 33 states offer private sector alternatives to summons delivery in eviction cases
- Private-sector option would reduce the workload for officers
Underground Storage Tank Fund
- Last year, legislators ended funding for the state’s Noncommercial Underground Storage Tank Fund
- By ending the fund, property owners are now left to pay for the removal of the tank and remediation of any pollution, a cost which can be significant
- Legislators are encouraged to restore the funding for this valuable program
Click below to view entire talking points document↓